Prosecutors analyzing years’ worth of offensive statements by Quim Torra, who is being sworn in today Spanish prosecutors are considering legal action against the newly chosen Catalan premier, Quim Torra, for alleged hate speech. The Special Prosecutor’s Office for Hate … Continue reading
Tag Archives: xenophobia

500 racist and xenophobic incidents during 2016 in Spain
Spain seems very far from the wave of xenophobia and racism, which according to all experts and some election results, has exploded across Europe in the last year. The citizenship of this country does not perhaps have that same feeling, the … Continue reading

Marine Le Pen Echoes Trump’s Bleak Populism and Brexit in French Campaign Kickoff
The French far-right leader Marine Le Pen delivered a grim populist kickoff to her burgeoning presidential campaign on Sunday, warning thousands of her flag-waving supporters of “two totalitarianisms,” globalization and Islamism, that want to “subjugate France.” Ms. Le Pen’s dark … Continue reading

One in ten Germans want a FUHRER to run their country.
One in ten Germans claim they would be happier if a Fuhrer, the title Hitler went by, ran their country. A survey led by academics at the University of Leipzig found that 21.9% of people wanted ‘a single party that … Continue reading

Bulgaria announces investigations into several ‘migrant hunters’
Bulgaria has announced investigations into several “migrant hunters” after being accused of turning a blind eye to vigilantes targeting refugees travelling to Europe from Turkey. The interior ministry said on Tuesday that Dinko Valev, a semi-professional wrestler who boasted earlier … Continue reading

Polish magazine’s ‘Islamic rape of Europe’ cover sparks outrage
A Polish magazine has published a highly inflammatory front cover showing a white woman being assaulted by three pairs of dark-skinned male hands under the headline “The Islamic rape of Europe”. The cover of this week’s edition of wSieci (the … Continue reading

North African man attacked during a demonstration in Brittany
A man of North African origin has been attacked as part of a demonstration organized by the extreme-right in Pontivy, Brittany, after the attacks on Friday night in Paris, which left 129 dead and over 300 wounded. The mayor of … Continue reading

Hungarian Prime Minister Tells Muslim Refugees ‘Do Not Come’
Viktor Orban says Hungarians are “full of fear” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has a clear message for the European-bound Muslim refugees fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa: “Please do not come.” Speaking outside the European … Continue reading