An unidentified gunman opened fire on Saturday at the Jewish Museum in the center of Brussels, killing at least three people in what officials said appeared to have been an anti-Semitic attack. Belgium’s interior minister, Joëlle Milquet, told RTL television … Continue reading

More than a third of French voters agree with National Front ideas
A record 34 per cent of French people now agree with the ideas of Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Front (FN), according to the annual TNS-Sofres barometer, published this week. Acceptance of the FN has zigzagged dramatically since the poll … Continue reading

Russian support for nationalist march grows amid ethnic tension.
Middle-class Russians joined far-right extremists in nationalist marches on Monday, in a sign of how xenophobia has taken root in mainstream society. In 2005 president Vladimir Putin replaced a former Soviet holiday on November 4 with the Day of National … Continue reading

France: National Front in the lead for European elections
For the first time ever, Marine Le Pen’s National Front is in the lead for the European elections scheduled for 2014 in France, according to an IFOP poll. The survey was conducted for Le Nouvel Observateur and shows the party … Continue reading
Hate Crimes Victims finally recognised with European Parliament vote
The European Parliament voted today to protect and grant basic rights to the estimated 75 million victims of crime across the EU without discrimination. The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) especially welcomes the fact that the specific needs of hate … Continue reading